A Chilean Indigenous Language Vanishes as Last Native Speaker Dies
CALEC Bulletin #44 - After the passing of its last living speaker and preserver of its cultural history, an indigenous language from the far south of South America has nearly been extinguished.
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Book Highlight
L’ambition du Projet Colibri, inspiré d'une légende amérindienne, est de créer à partir de rien, d’un objet à recycler, faire de son mieux, s’offrir une pause pendant laquelle les mains retrouvent leur rôle premier de création. Vickie Frémont propose ici une nouvelle approche des arts plastiques alliant imagination, création collective et recyclage.
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Podcast Révolution bilingue
Frantastique, the daily French workout. Personalized online French lessons: all levels, all users.
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The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) is a nonprofit organization based in the U.S. and France, and focused on promoting multilingualism, empowering multilingual families, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Support us now!