In the News
Book Highlight
“Based on its scope and the many interesting topics covered, this book will appeal to the specialist and non-specialist alike—to French language, foreign language, and international educators, but also to Francophones and Francophiles in the New York City area and beyond, and especially to parents considering immersion education for their children.” —Kathleen Stein-Smith, Fairleigh Dickinson University Adjunct Faculty in The NECTFL Review
Podcast Révolution bilingue
Est-il possible de parler la langue arabe étant jeune et de la perdre en grandissant, ou, pire encore de se retrouver presque incapable de la réapprendre plus tard. Pour répondre à ces questions, Nabil Wakim a écrit un livre passionnant, L'arabe pour tous, pourquoi ma langue est taboue en France.
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The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) is a nonprofit organization based in the U.S. and France, and focused on promoting multilingualism, empowering multilingual families, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Support us now!