National Canvass of Dual Language Immersion Programs in U.S. Public Schools
CALEC Bulletin #35 - Results show that out of the 3,600 Dual Language Immersion programs in the US, California, Texas, New York, Utah, and North Carolina make up almost 60% of them.
In the News
Book Highlight
La Révolution bilingue de Fabrice Jaumont, Arcs-en-ciel, Masques et Glace de Deana Sobel Lederman, et Le don des langues de Kathleen Stein-Smith et Fabrice Jaumont
Arcobaleni, Mascherine e Gelato! di Deana Sobel Lederman e La Rivoluzione bilingue: Il futuro dell’istruzione in due lingue di Fabrice Jaumont
Podcast Révolution bilingue
Anne Lair, coordinatrice du programme d'immersion au lycée/université (programme Bridge) pour l'Etat de l'Utah nous raconte comment l'Etat est devenu le surprenant leader de l'éducation bilingue aux Etats-Unis.
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The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) is a nonprofit organization based in the U.S. and France, and focused on promoting multilingualism, empowering multilingual families, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Support us now!