Mastering multiple languages has an impact on the functioning of the brain, on the academic capabilities of children, on their social skills and on their economic future.
Suhaas Bonkur began learning Telugu and Tamil, which are south Indian languages, at a young age in California. When he moved to Forsyth County, he continued to work on his understanding of the languages and found like-minded friends that were working on their own language skills.
A compelling collection of anecdotes about French and American professionals on their experiences working together. This book reveals the risks of misjudgments. It provides tips and tricks to foster mutual understanding. Its goal is to spark curiosity, encourage professionals to adopt the best methods from both cultures, and to better work together.
Bernard Manuel est président de l'École active bilingue Jeannine Manuel, aujourd'hui située sur trois campus à Paris, Lille et Londres et considérée comme le meilleur lycée de France depuis 8 années consécutives.
A l’issue de cette séance, l’apprenant sera capable de porter l’écoute sur différentes langues, de se familiariser avec l’écriture d’une langue, en analysant son découpage morpho-syntaxique, et de comprendre le sens d’expressions/de proverbes ou de citations françaises.
Wunderbla delivers short, personalized and fun online German lessons.
The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) is a nonprofit organization based in the U.S. and France, and focused on promoting multilingualism, empowering multilingual families, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Support us now!