Sitemap - 2022 - CALEC Bulletin
The Magic of Bilingual Education✨
CALEC Bulletin - Multilingualism Can Be a Strength for African Higher Education
Ep. 35: Avec Bilingual Matters, Antonella Sorace tord le cou aux idées reçues sur le bilinguisme
Si usted habla dos idiomas, tiene un cerebro imparable
Two languages are better than one, yes
The unique Kusunda language...
Ep. 34: Emmanuelle Le Pichon, le bilinguisme face aux enjeux de la diversité
Cherokee Language Classes Expand in Kansas Schools
Being Multilingual Is Like Having a Secret Superpower🦸
How Our Brains Cope With Speaking More Than One Language
A Vision for the Future of Education in Chicago
Preserving the French Cajun Language and Culture
Ep. 33: Valerie Sun, Lettre ouverte aux acteurs de l'éducation bilingue
15 Childhood Benefits of Being Bilingual💡
Plurilingual Parenting: The Future of Parenting
The Benefits of Immersion Programs
Episode 32: Rhonda Broussard, une Lousianaise qui pose une bonne question
How Many Children Lack Access to Education in Their First Language?
To Preserve a Culture, It’s Vital to Keep the Language Alive
Making Language Instruction a Priority
How Bilingual Brains Switch Languages Seamlessly 🧠
The Benefits of Dual-Language Immersion Programs
Recognizing and Validating Students’ Native Languages
How to Ask Challenging Questions That Lead You to Real Solutions
A Multilingual University Model Brings Benefits
How Foreign Language Study Can Benefit Your Child
You Can Speak 300 Languages on This NYC Street
The Benefits of Early Bilingual Education for English Learners
Want to live longer? Speak more languages!
Are You Ready for a Multilingual Workplace?
Our First Festival du Livre de Paris!✨
Indigenous Language Workshops Connecting Gunggari People to Culture
Five Benefits of Learning a New Language
Episode 31 - Robert Desmarais Sullivan, un révolutionnaire du français en Louisiane
Why Do Bilingual Speakers Find Switching Languages So Easy?
Ensuring Dual Language Learners Embrace Their Culture and Identity
Who Are the Francophones in the United States?
Learning French Changed Her Life
A Chilean Indigenous Language Vanishes as Last Native Speaker Dies
The Impact of Learning a Language on Brain Health
Every School in Australia Could Teach an Indigenous Language
Bilingualism Is Good for Your Mental Health
Episode 30: Nathalie Auger, « les défis des classes multilingues »
Does Being Bilingual Make You Smarter?
The Language Connects Us to Our Identity